To all of our enjoyment, and probably to the dismay of all the real people that composed the viral "Florida Man:" web search fun that most of us have tried, there's a KickStarter going on right now to get the concept made into a card game.
It all started when the viral web search challenge went out a couple of weeks ago. The premise being: type in Florida Man and then your birthday (month and day, no year required) and hit search.
The results are often comical, absurd and sometimes kinda sad. BTW: If you haven't tried it yet, give it a go.
So a couple of guys from Florida have gone to KickStarter to get funded and bring the "Florida Man" to the masses as a card game (18 and over).
Currently they're about 1/3 of the way to their $15,000 goal with about 70 backers.
Check out their KickStarter page HERE!