There's a tie for America's favorite Christmas movie of all time . . .
More than 1,200 Americans were given 20 Christmas movies and TV specials, and asked to name their favorite. In the end, "A Christmas Story" and "It's a Wonderful Life" tied for #1, both with 9% of the vote.
Before you continue to read, bear in mind, in my opinion any "Christmas Movie" list that does NOT include "Die Hard" is a failed experiment.
That said, here's the top 12. "Welcome to the party pal..."
1. A tie between "A Christmas Story" and "It's a Wonderful Life", 9%
3. A tie between "Home Alone" and "National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation", 7%
5. A four-way tie between "Elf", "How the Grinch Stole Christmas", "Miracle on 34th Street", and "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer", 5%
9. A four-way tie between "A Charlie Brown Christmas", "A Christmas Carol", "Nightmare Before Christmas", and "The Polar Express", 4%
It's worth noting, the 1998 gem "Earnest Saves Christmas" was not an option to vote on.
Another indicator this is a flawed study.