We've all done it more than once. Skipped lunch to work through it. Because we have a lot on our plate, a new deadline for a project or we feel like the boss is going to think we don't care or worse, think we're lazy.
Sadly, many of them do think we're lazy and that's just plain wrong.
It's bad enough we often don't take our vacation or sick days because of this type of guilt, but come on now.
According to a new survey, about 20% of people say they're afraid to take lunch breaks because they're worried their boss will think they're not a hard worker.
And there's a pretty decent chance they're RIGHT. Because the survey found that 22% of bosses DO think people who take lunch breaks are LAZY. That means there's more than a one-in-five chance your boss is one of them.
Read more from Forbes in the link below.