So three weeks ago today, I went in for my first major surgery to correct a rare condition called Achalasia which makes swallowing food extremely difficult and sleeping a challenge. The surgery went well and immediately I was able to sleep again without waking up, choking and feeling like I was drowning. Due to swelling around the area where my esophagus meets my stomach, swallowing is still not back to 100%, but much better than before the surgery and supposedly that will continue to improve. The pain from the surgery was pretty extreme the first few days, but I was able to stop with the painkillers four days after surgery. I am left with six small marks on my stomach where they went in, but other than that, there is little lingering effects left over from the surgery.
My recovery lasted just shy of two weeks. When I finally got the all clear to return back to work, the world was turning to shit due to the Coronavirus/COVID-19/China Virus/whatever you want to call this bull crap. My return to work was actually returning to work from home. So I guess I had a head start on this whole shelter in place/stay at home order and now have a severe case of cabin fever.
Without access to use a studio since we were ordered not to come into the office, I was going to put my Hammer Down Racing Report podcast on hiatus. That lasted about a week and through the use of streaming video conferencing technology, we have decided to continue doing the show remotely. Although there is not much racing to talk about, we figured continuing to do the show would contribute some kind of normalcy which is desperately needed during these unprecedented times.
So basically I went in for surgery and when I was ready to return to the world, the Coronavirus apocalypse had already begun. My post op appointment was conducted over the phone. Life has changed for the majority of folks because of this. But we adapt. We will get through this. It may take time, but keep an eye on the prize. Sold out sporting events, restaurants and bars filled to capacity and stores jam packed with shoppers. Hopefully all of this will happen sooner than later. Until then, we wait it out patiently...or impatiently in my case.
Catch the Hammer Down Racing Report live on Facebook, Thursdays at 7pm. Or listen on demand on iHeartRadio.