In case you didn't hear yet, it seems the Colorado Eagles never returned the Kelly Cup after their two championship seasons as was supposed to happen in December 2018. My buddy Anthony Bellino uncovered this the other morning on our sister station Fox Sports 1230 and his morning show, The Morning Blitz, when they had Patrick J. Kelly, the Kelly Cup's namesake, in for an interview. Had to take the opportunity to get my photo taken with Mr. Kelly and his cup. That sounds weird. Any way, Mr. Kelly let is slip in that radio interview that the defending ECHL Champion Colorado Eagles never returned the cup and they had to have a new Kelly Cup made. You can check out the interview below. Since then the national press has picked up this story and even the ECHL and Colorado Eagles have put out some vague and somewhat cryptic statements on the matter with each blaming the other. The Eagles have since moved to the AHL and it has been theorized that there may have been some issues regarding league exit fees for them leaving the ECHL.
More national press on the matter:
Colorado Kept The Original Kelly Cup?
By Jacob Woods