So my co-worker, Tom Riggs, who works over at our sister station, the mighty 103.7 'CKY country station tells me there is quite the controversy about the original version of this song I had never heard before. Apparently this Old Town Road song by Lil Nas X (or something like that) has caused quite a stir in the country world. I did have to look up the original version of the song and I can safely say you aren't missing much if you don't know it. A later version of the song included Billy Ray Cyrus which somehow made it marginally better. That is something I never thought I would say. Although, I have a little bit of new found respect for the Achy Breaky Heart singer ever since he was in Godsmack's Bulletproof video. And I guess there is a NIN sample used in this Old Town Road song as well. Supposedly the original version of Old Town Road was charting on the country charts which made country fans mad so it was then pulled off that chart because they insisted it wasn't country. It did mention a horse. What exactly is the criteria for a song to be considered a country song. Wouldn't the horse do it?
So anyway, enjoy Leo Moracchioli's metal cover of this song. It is much less controversial.