This lady really, really, really didn't want to stop for police in Cleveland's east side Friday night. I am not sure if she thought she was playing a Need For Speed Hot Pursuit video game (if it were a video game, I probably would have chosen a sports car), but she managed to slip capture a couple times before finally being forcibly stopped and apprehended. But not before almost running over a couple officers and damaging numerous vehicles. The woman, identified as Imani Edwards, was charged with felonious assault and failure to comply.
I don't quite get why people try to outrun the police nowadays. Not only do the police radio ahead and coordinate, but there are cameras everywhere so they can still track you even if they aren't right on your tail. Bottom line is you are going to get caught. And the part that pisses me off the most is that because of this person's stupidity, other people drivers/passengers were put at risk who have nothing to do with the situation. Luckily, no one was injured in this case. Full story here.