Racing is a sport near and dear to my heart and after getting more involved in the sport with my own car a few years back, I have learned just how much of a tight knit family the racing community can be. Unless you experience it first hand, it is hard to understand. People you hardly know will willingly lend a helping hand when needed, and as in most families, some disagreements may flare up between family members from time to time. but nothing brings the racing community together more than when we lose one of our own.
That was the case last weekend at Thunderhill Raceway in Tennessee when Melissa Cothran lost her life due to injuries she sustained after crashing into the wall during a race on Saturday night. As a racer, we all know the risks involved and each time we strap in, we know the possibility exists that we might not make it back despite taking as many appropriate safety measures as possible. Racing is inherently dangerous but the thrill and excitement makes this risk well worth it. None of this makes it any easier when a racers loses their life and what a cool show of respect her fellow racers put on with over 40 showing up with their race cars for a memorable funeral procession yesterday. Godspeed #11