So a week ago Tuesday I was going down the stairs here in the iHeartMedia Toledo building and I rolled my ankle pretty good off the edge of the bottom step. I heard a pop and it hurt like hell, but after further review and even having my high school athletic trainer neighbor take a look at it, we decided it was just a sprain. The following Monday I had my annual check up with my family doctor who looked at my ankle and told me to get it x-rayed, so I did. The next day (one week from the time of the ankle rolling incident) his office called to tell me I had a fracture and that I would have to see a foot specialist. A couple days later I am in this air cast thing that I have to wear for the next month. This is the first time I have actually had confirmation of a broken bone. Pretty sure I have broken fingers and/or toes in the past, but never got them checked out. They still work just fine, so I was never worried about them.
And now, since radio is such as dangerous job, I have been sidelined from my much safer hobby of stock car racing for at least a couple weeks.