Now that Spring is here (or Second Winter as it seems to be this year), we start looking forward to warmer days and Cedar Point! Cedar Point usually means long lines to wait for rides, crowds of people on the midway and a long walk from the parking lot to the front gate unless you got their at the buttcrack of dawn, but the rides still make the trip well worth it.
Travel back to 1964 when the Blue Streak was new. Crowds of people were not so much a thing. Parking was free and up close. There was no admission to the park, just had to by tickets for each ride. There were also less rides and attractions back then.
I am not sure which would have been better. A more relaxed 1964 Cedar Point where the Blue Streak was the main attraction....or 2018 with the re-worked Mean Streak now known as Steel Vengeance (which still totally sounds like the name of a kick ass 80s hair band to me) as the main attraction. I think I prefer the modern day Cedar Point, but this video of a family trip in 1964 shows just how much the amusement park has changed over the past 50+ years.