I thiought I would bring up a bit of a serious matter as it is World Suicide Prevention Day. So my best friend from high school suffers from depression and a few years ago attempted to end his life. Although we aren't as close as we once were as life has taken us in different directions, we still keep in touch and hang out periodically, but we never really talked about what had happened a few years back when my friend attempted suicide. Although he still suffers from depression, he has come quite a long way and had me as a guest on his podcast where we discussed things for the first time. I never noticed any signs of depression in him when we were in school and the biggest thing that I still can't wrap my head around is that one of the symptoms of depression is some memory loss. There are a lot of things he can't remember from our high school days...which was just about a million years ago.
Also, I am sharing his podcast because at last check, my episode was one of the least listened to out of all the ones he has done.