Community Alert! Local Restaurants Offering FREE LUNCHES to Children

TOLEDO, OH, March 13 —Please alert all National School Lunch Program Recipients that in response to the Corona Virus Pandemic the Fire Station Bar And Grill and the Mail Pouch Saloons in both Haskins, Ohio and Swanton, Ohio are proud to offer and are currently serving FREE LUNCHES 11 AM - 3 PM Monday through Friday to all National School Lunch Program recipients who are unable to be fed due to the state mandated school closures.
Free lunches will be served until schools are reopened and the National School Lunch Program can be resumed. NO PURCHASE IS REQUIRED to receive the free lunch at any of the three restaurant locations. Please check our websites or Facebook pages for more details and current updates.
Locally, more than 15,000-25,000 lunches are served for students every single school day acrossNorthwest Ohio. This program makes the National School Lunch Program one of the state’s largest food service operations. The program is offered to any student of high school grade or under who is enrolled in an educational unit of high school grade or under in a participating school or a child age of 21 years or younger.
All three restaurants are allowing employees to bring their children to work so the children can continue they're school curriculum while their parents work. The restaurants will accommodate the children on the attached patios and will supply power ports and outlets so phones, tablets, or laptops can stay fully functional. All staff children will also be offered free lunches while their parents finish their shifts.
Fire Station Bar And Grill and Mail Pouch Saloon is an equal opportunity provider and employer. All three restaurants are destination community-themed restaurants owned by Jamie Wietrzykowski inNorthwest Ohio. All restaurants follow the same tradition with interesting historical community-centered decor creating the ultimate destination restaurants with unique and trendy recipes.
Restaurant Locations and Contact Information:
Fire Station Bar And Grill
6040 Knights Inn Pl,Maumee,Ohio43537| 419-491-9911
Mail Pouch Saloon Swanton
14260 Airport Highway,Swanton,OH43525| 419-825-5502
Mail Pouch Saloon Haskins
102 West Main Street,Haskins,OH43525| 419-806-7616

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