Headless Ghost Rider of Elmore- Day 8 of the 31 Days of Hauntings

There are many different urban legends in Northwest Ohio. Remember chalky? Poor Gunn Road residents. Well here's a haunted tale coming from Elmore, Ohio. Elmore is a beautiful little countryesque town in Ottawa County. Elmore is also home of the headless ghost rider. Legend has it, a WWI veteran went to surprise his sweetheart upon his return home. Instead of waiting for his return, she had moved on with another man. The vet tore off on this motorcycle into the darkness. Country road, motorcycle, darkness, distracted driving, not a good mix. Legend says the distraught man lost control of his motorcycle and crashed. The crash was so violent he was decapitated. Apparently he comes back to the scene every March 21st.


A little more background on the story.

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