Buffalo Don't Care if They Smash Your Rental Car.

If you know anything about buffalo, you probably know they are the crazy mo fos of the animal kingdom. They are massive, unpredictable, and can run at speeds of up to 30 miles per hour. Every year in National Parks, some moron manages to get themselves gored. Just because you're in a park, doesn't mean you're safe. Every summer, my family and I go to Custer State Park in South Dakota. There's a part of the park where the buffalo literally roam. If you're smart, you stay in your car. If not, you get hurt and we laugh at you. Anyway, this family was in Yellowstone enjoying the wildlife. That is until somebody spooked a herd of buffalo. They ended up in stampede formation crushing everything in their path. Including rental cars. Listen as this family from Boston instantly regret not "gettin' the rentahl insurance on tha cah".

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